Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's the Begining of a New Blog

If there's one thing the Internet doesn't have enough of it's pretentious people prattling on about whatever enters their head whether it is of any interest to anyone other than themselves or not. And so I seek to fill that void.

Honestly, I have no idea what the point of this blog is. I have no idea if I have anything worthwhile to say or even anything remotely interesting to share. I don't even know if I'm going to use this to rant about art or current events or to spin tales of fiction or whine in a self-indulgent sort of way. But I figure I may as well find out. So I promise that I will continue to post here until I have some clear idea of what the hell I'm doing here and whether or not it's worth continuing to do whatever that may be.

So... Here's hoping it doesn't suck.

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